Why cows? Why not cows?
Greg has long had an affinity for cows. In the rural parts of New Mexico it’s not at all uncommon to see small herds of cows milling around, munching grass, sunbathing, and generally being beautifully bovine. They move with lazy purpose, and have especially expressive faces. They can also be remarkably silly.
When you’re driving down the road and see some cows off to the side, make sure you slow down to a crawl. More often than not, if they get startled they will run in whatever direction they’re facing, even if that’s directly in front of your vehicle. Calves are curious, and sometimes accelerate faster than their tottering legs can handle. This results in an adorable stuttering skip, like a child poorly executing a ballet maneuver.
Bovine Interactions
Long before taking up photography Greg always liked to slow down to moo at any cows he came across. Eventually, Greg decided that maybe they didn’t like that, so he started telling them to have a good day instead. Of course, the cows mostly just stare at him either way, but the trans-species communication seems good for the soul somehow.
Nowadays, Greg will fully stop the vehicle and spend several minutes photographing his chosen models in each herd. Sometimes he will add captions to them afterwards, personifying the cows by narrating their thoughts or feelings. Consequently, this has led to his “Cows of Kindness” and “Politicows” series that frequently grace his social media accounts.

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