High-quality product photos are a must if you want to sell goods online. They are also extremely helpful for promotional content and other advertising ventures. Because Greg can tailor your product photography session to your exact needs, you can receive multiple styles of photos from the same session. Backgrounds can be neutral color, green-screen, or digitally transparent to overlay other content. Lighting is manipulated to give just the right amount and angle of shadow for the feel you want; whether that’s no shadow at all for a clean look, or double long shadows to add drama and gravitas. Our prices are very affordable compared to our competitors. In short, you’ll definitely be happy with the result.
The products photographed for examples on this page belong to either Father’s Building Futures or Col Ichabod Conk Products Inc. Please do not reproduce these images without permission from both Greg Smith Photography as well as the products’ owner.

Like what you see? Then schedule a product photography session today!