We select a photo each month to specially feature on our website. Scroll down to view more from previous months. Don’t forget to tell us what you think in the comments section at the bottom of the page!
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March 2022

This March, “Georgia on my Mind” is our photo of the month. With subtly muted colors, this macro portrait of a calla lily is named in homage to Georgia O’Keeffe’s series of calla lily paintings. The graceful lines flowing together in harmony evoke a sense of serenity.
February 2022

“Icy Tendrils” takes the top spot for February. Frozen droplets clinging to tiny corkscrew vines on a misty morning, it’s nature’s chandelier. Delicate, vibrant or subtle, nature is an endless source of beauty.
January 2022

January’s Photo of the Month is “Rock Star.” Greg shot this provoking night sky landscape in the campground of rockhound state park, near Deming, NM. Because of the lack of light pollution in this part of the state, thousands of stars are visible within the frame. The harmony of the weathered, lichen-gilded boulders and the ever-expanding universe together feels like an eon of changes captured all at once in a single photo. If you like this, check out Greg’s other starscapes in the landscapes virtual gallery.
December 2021

December’s Photo of the Month is “Untitled Hummingbird.” Snapped mid-flap of the wings, this female Rufous hummingbird appears to be preforming for an audience. Perhaps a minimalist take on Swan Lake? Greg has shot many compelling hummingbird photos over the years. To see more, check out the hummingbird virtual gallery.